List Building: 10 Tips to Grow Your Email List

By Egle
list building: 10 tips to build your email list

List building remains one of the most effective ways to engage with your audience and drive long-term business success. Whether you’re a small business owner or a large enterprise focused on B2B, building and nurturing an engaged audience of email subscribers is crucial. With modern marketing methods becoming more sophisticated, your sales pipeline depends on having a targeted and curated email list of relevant prospects and decision-makers.

In this blog, we’ll share 10 simple tips for growing and maintaining your mailing list, ensuring you get the right contacts, generating high-quality leads, and maximizing your return on investment in email marketing.

1. Create an Irresistible Lead Magnet

The foundation of effective list building is offering value to your audience in exchange for their email address. This “value exchange” typically takes the form of a lead magnet, including free eBooks, checklists, industry reports, or webinars.

Lead magnets are the bait that encourages people to opt into your email list. To make this strategy effective, your lead magnet should address a real pain point of your target audience and offer an actionable solution. For example, if your audience consists of IT managers, a guide on “Mastering IT Management: Overcoming Key Challenges in Cybersecurity, Scalability, and Compliance” could be highly appealing.

2. Optimize Signup Forms and Landing Pages

Your signup forms play a critical role in capturing email addresses. But not all forms are created equal. Forms that are difficult to locate or overly complicated discourage users from opting in.

Make sure your signup forms are simple and visible, strategically placed on high-traffic pages like your homepage, blog posts, and dedicated landing pages. A/B test form fields and placement to identify what works best for your audience.

Best Practices for Signup Forms:

Pro Tip:
Embedding signup forms in blog content or using pop-ups with smart timing (like exit-intent pop-ups) can capture more leads without interrupting the user experience.

Mobile responsiveness stat

3. Host Webinars or Live Events

Webinars and live events can be powerful tools for building your email list. They allow you to showcase your expertise and provide valuable content while encouraging attendees to sign up with their email addresses to gain access.

Best Practices for Hosting Webinars:

  • Choose Relevant Topics: Pick subjects directly addressing your target audience’s pain points and interests.
  • Promote in Advance: Promote the event on your website, social media, and existing email lists to encourage sign-ups.
  • Follow-Up: After the event, send a follow-up email with a recording or additional resources which can help nurture the new leads you’ve captured.

Learn more about the MyOutreach virtual events services here.

4. Craft Engaging Calls to Action (CTAs)

Your call to action (CTA) is one of the most crucial components in converting website visitors into email subscribers. CTAs should be compelling and action-oriented, giving users a reason to join your mailing list.

Avoid generic phrases like “Sign Up for Updates.” Instead, use specific and benefit-driven CTAs such as “Get Exclusive Tips,” “Download Our Free Report,” or “Join Our Community of Industry Experts.”

Test different CTA placements and designs. A simple tweak in button colour or CTA text can significantly impact conversions.

5. Use Social Media to Promote Your Mailing List

Don’t limit your list-building efforts to your website alone. Social media platforms offer many opportunities to promote your lead magnet and encourage followers to join your email list.

For instance, you can create posts highlighting the value of your lead magnet and direct people to a landing page where they can sign up. Use Instagram Stories or LinkedIn updates to promote your email list. Make sure to include a clear call to action like “Join Our List for Exclusive Insights.”

Actionable Tip:
Pin your signup form or lead magnet link to the top of your social media profiles, and encourage followers to engage with your email campaign for more value.

6. Build Trust with Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful psychological trigger that helps build credibility and encourages new subscribers to opt into your mailing list. By showcasing reviews, testimonials, or case studies, you provide validation that others have benefited from your content.

Incorporating social proof into your signup forms or landing pages boosts conversions. For example, showing that “10,000+ professionals have already subscribed” can help new visitors trust that your content is valuable.

Stat to Know:
Businesses that integrate social proof see a 34% increase in conversions.

social proof stat

MyOutreach Tip:
Leverage video testimonials and Trustpilot reviews on your signup pages to increase credibility.

7. Segment Your Email List

As your email list grows, it’s important to segment it to deliver more personalized and relevant content. List segmentation allows you to group subscribers based on various criteria such as industry, engagement level, and job title.

For instance, you might send different emails to IT managers than IT executives, tailoring the message and CTA to their specific needs. Segmenting your email list leads to higher engagement, lower unsubscribe rates, and better results overall.

Segmented email campaigns result in a 760% increase in revenue.

8. Use Lead Generation Tools

Investing in the right tools can accelerate your list-building efforts. Tools like OptinMonster or HubSpot’s marketing suite allow you to create high-converting signup forms, pop-ups, and exit-intent CTAs that capture more leads.

These tools also offer automation features that streamline the process of managing your email list and nurturing leads with targeted campaigns.

Pro Tip:
Use exit-intent pop-ups that appear when a visitor is about to leave your site. This gives you one last opportunity to capture their email address before they go.

9. Continuously Test and Optimize

Optimization is an ongoing process. To maximize the effectiveness of your list-building efforts, continuously test and tweak your signup forms, CTAs, and email campaigns. Test elements such as headlines, colours, button placements, and even the lead magnet.

Use analytics to track the performance of your forms and landing pages and identify areas for improvement. Businesses that regularly A/B test their campaigns see significantly higher email sign-up rates.

10. Deliver Consistent Value

Once you’ve successfully built a list of email subscribers, the real work begins. To keep your subscribers engaged, ensure that you consistently deliver value through your email campaigns. Whether it’s helpful tips, industry news, or special offers, producing high-quality content will prevent unsubscribes and build trust over time.

Key Tip:
Set expectations early. Let subscribers know how often they’ll hear from you and what kind of content to expect. This keeps them engaged and looking forward to your emails.

Let MyOutreach Help You with List Building

Leverage MyOutreach’s unfair data advantage to elevate your list-building efforts. Discover how we can help you create more effective lists by learning more here.
